March 3, 2009

The Distraction Diet

Over the last three to four years - basically, since I started working at home and stopped moving - I have put on a lot more weight than I am comfortable with. Who knew one could burn so many calories just walking to meetings? But clearly, it's made a difference. My scale says so, as does the fact that I've had to replace most of my wardrobe.

But in the last week or so I've discovered an amazing new diet. The distraction diet. Get too lost in your own head, and you will totally forget to eat. It works! I've dropped 7 pounds so far. Don't think it'll stay off - at some point my love of all things food will kick back in and I'll remember to cook again. But for the time being, I'm enjoying watching the numbers on the scale go down and the fact that my big pants are a little bigger, and my smaller pants almost fit.

Small victories.

On my plate: actual food. We had a celebration breakfast for our au pair - it's her 20th birthday, which in her country is a big huge deal and the entry into adulthood. So, chocolate chip pancakes, berries and thick-cut bacon. Which I haven't had time to eat because I've been busy in meetings. It's all sitting cold on a plate on the floor next to my desk.